Karamoja, My Pride turned into a Curse?!
The question you may ask yourself is, “HOW?” First “Insecurity” and now “Hunger”. I have always talked of my region positively with numerous cultures, beliefs, with one language and different dialects, my home, my shelter, my source of life, everything, My Karamoja, and My pride. Every time I sit down, I think, meditate, scramble, and cry in my heart with sorrow and tears of hope and prayer. I always kneel to say a word of prayer to the gods of my forefathers (Apaloris, Akobo, Atogo, Apalowuou, “[Ngimoru ka Ngigetei]” (Karamoja elders), God Almighty father the creator of heaven and earth. The words I say to the gods are always of request, asking, inquiries, and thirst to know what exactly it should take for my Karamoja to rest, have peace, develop, and grow according to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. But the response always seems to be within my Karamoja, the leadership, the people, the government, and Uganda as a whole. It has come to my understanding that the solut...